Our company brought together several very experienced and innovative individuals to address
the way in which B2B companies welcome their visitors.
Thanks to the experience we have gained from a variety of industries, we have accumulated
deep knowledge to greatly enhance the value of the advice we give on how to create a unique
and memorable meeting experience. We passionately believe that good meetings lead to sound
relationships and that sound relationships lead to good business. We are driven by the knowledge
that our effortswill generate increased revenue for our clients.
With extensive experience and specialised expertise from commercial activities in office coffee
services, the hotel & restaurant industry, staffing, business services, education, marketing, and
design, we distilled the essence of a world-class meeting experience and created a model that is
easy to implement and follow. We want your meetings to be positive and leave your visitors wanting
to come back.
You might agree that a client’s physical encounter with a company at its offices, meeting the ‘heart
and soul’ of the business, is an obvious arena in which to manifest a brand. Oddly enough, very few
companies utilise the unique opportunity to manage the experience 100%.
Our goal is for you to take control of the first impression you make and for you to create a visitor
experience that makes a difference. When that is handled correctly, you strengthen your brand,
increase its attractiveness, and deepen your relationships with others.
We know that in the end, the outcome shows up on the bottom line.
The first impression really is key!
The scientific term we use is the “halo effect”.
Consider how it affects your company’s
business and it´s relationships...
"If the immediate impression we get is a good one,
we unconsciously start looking for positive indicators to reinforce it. It works the same way in reverse when we begin focusing on negative aspects and then become sceptical about everything we see. That is why it is so important to make a good first impression; it affects the relationship in the long run.”
Angela Ahola, PhD
We certify your first impression through our accredited process...
This may look like a bunch
of fancy words to you, but all
in all, everything boils down to continuous work with all com-
ponents of the impression.
The certification process allows
us to systematically and con-
tinuously define, propose and implement improvements.
Once you have fulfilled your objective, you get a certificate
that is your proof of the quality
assurance of your first impression.